Mozambique: Tanzania-bound Insurgents Captured by Pro-Government Militia

Pro-government local militia forces in two different villages in Nangade district, Cabo Delgado province, captured two suspected insurgents on Saturday, 25 December.

“Two terrorists were captured in the villages of Litingina and Ntamba,” a local source told Zitamar News. “They intended to cross into Tanzania via Namatil,” the source said, adding that the two men revealed that they were fleeing from recent fighting in the district of Macomia, more than 100km to the south — and were surviving on dry bush meat, snails, and larvae.

The suspects were taken to the district headquarters of Nangade, where a video was taken purportedly showing one of the men being beaten.

He is holding his head with both hands. Another man with a stick is whipping him on his trousered legs and barefoot feet. One armed man in uniform is watching. Another man is seen untying him, turning him onto his right side and taking his bag, while one armed man in uniform watches.

Photos, also seen by Zitamar, show dried meat, notes, a Koran, prayer beads, a sandal, syringe, a Tanzanian ID photocard of a female wearing a hijab, and another man, who is masked with capulana fabric.

Photos provided by local source in Nangade, of effects found with the captured men

The local militia based at Nangade has been waiting to be provided with a vehicle since the start of this year, Zitamar’s source said, but has lost hope of receiving one. The militia in the town of Mueda received one at the start of the year, and is well equipped, the source said — despite not being on the frontline of conflict, like Nangade.

The two men were taken to the town of Mueda from Nangade.

Nangade district lies between Macomia and Tanzania.

Heavy fighting between Mozambican and allied forces and Islamist insurgents in Macomia district has been reported. The South African government confirmed, on Tuesday, that one of its soldiers had been killed in fighting in Macomia district.

The Southern African Development Community’s (SADC) Mission in Mozambique confirmed on Thursday, that “SAMIM forces suffered three casualties,” during an offensive around Chai administrative post, detailing “one fatality and two wounded, while FADM suffered six casualties,” including two fatalities.