Drama In Somalia As President Blocks Prime Minister From Sacking Head of Intelligence Agency NISA, Fahad Yasin Haji Dahir

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo has reversed a decision by Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble to fire the head of Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA), Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir.

In a stinging rebuke, Farmaajo said Roble’s decision, was “illegal and unconstitutional.”

“The Commander of the National Security and Intelligence Agency, Mr. Fahad Yassin Haji Dahir, is instructed to remain serving as the leader the National Security and Intelligence Agency, in accordance with the Constitution and the Presidential Decree,” Farmaajo emphasised in a statement issued by Villa Somali on Monday evening.

Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo

Bad blood

In April 2021, Roble opposed plans to extend the term of President Farmaajo and his government by two years.

Farmaajo had argued that Somalia was unprepared for general elections.

However, Farmaajo’s plans met stiff resistance from donors and the Prime Minister himself who called on all Somali election stakeholders to “prepare for national elections and to refrain any action that will jeopardise the efforts.”

Since then, relations between Robe and Farmaajo have been strained.

It was not surprising for Farmaajo to block the sacking of the intelligence chief.
Farmaajo said Articles 97 and 100 of the Provisional Constitution state the powers of the Executive and the power of the Prime Minister of regarding dismissing the Commanders of the Security Forces, which is limited to proposing and implementing policy development activities, economy and governance.

This implied Roble had no powers to sack commanders of security services.

The President said the National Intelligence Security Agency is key to the stability and security of the country and has a duty to counter the continuous threat of terrorism to Somalia and its international partners.

“The President of the FGS in exercising his authority and responsibility to stop any action that may incite terrorist groups and hinder the reputation and role of the security agencies; Hereby announces the following… The National Security and Intelligence Agency is instructed to submit before the National Security Council meeting the expected detailed report at the time of the first meeting of the National Security Council,” said Farmajo.

“Finally, the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia instructs the Prime Minister Mohamed Hussein Roble and the Council of Ministers to effectively fulfill their responsibility to complete the electoral process,” ordered the president.